Sunday, April 5, 2009

Is spring mating season for parcel invaders???

Pardon the question, but I have to ask...

...does spring make parcel jumpers go into heat? Or does it just seem that way?

Twice now in as many days, I've found evidence in my parcels or my friends' of invaders with only one thing on their minds (and it isn't rocket science!).

Yesterday, at Inkwell Manor, Wrath and I stumbled upon a 45ms Zhong, who while she was dressed as a circus ringmaster from the waist up, she was missing quite a bit down below...namely pants and undies. When Wrath asked her to put something on, that we were not an X-rated sim, she proceeded to begin to hump the floor. Now, I absolutely adore Inkwell...Grey Kurka (see his xstreet shop here) is a new favorite designer of mine...but I've never felt the urge to molest the woodgrain. So she quickly was booted, from Inkwell and my other Wellsian holdings. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Then today, I get a phone call from my friend Bama Xue who, though she is away from a computer, recieved an IM message to her cell (via email) that she had a squatter on her property in Morgaine. As Bama is my friend and I used to own that little island, I still feel a kinship to the place and I went to investigate. Sure enough, at somewhere around 3000 meters, a Carla Platthy had put up a modern love nest. Carla (I'll use her first name, since she apparently isn't a lady or a miss, acting this way) has been around since 2007 and knew enough to place the root prims over Bama's property so it wouldn't be autoreturned by the commonwealth land system. She's apparently done this before and will do it again so she can look forward to being banned pre-emptively on several parcels around Caledon as well. Since Bama can't get back online for a bit, I went ahead and filed an AR and made the lovenest pretty much useless until Bama can return the items or an EM can clean up the mess.


Both incidences make James Wagner Au's blog post on breaking and fornicating rather timely. The only thing a landowner in SL can do is stay vigilant, I ready to drop the banhammer...and break out the virtual Lysol and bleach. Ewww, cooties!

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